

My name is Will and I'm a web developer based near Oxford in the UK.

I started building websites in the late 90s, before anyone's face got booked, when we were playing Doom instead of doom-scrolling and everyone's internet sounded like this. From the very beginning I was working with cutting-edge technologies; coding in Microsoft FrontPage, deploying to GeoCities and surfing the information super-highway at a blazing 14.4kbps 🔥

Since 2018 I've been working for Mettle, helping to build Musicbed, Filmsupply and Stills.

When I'm not staring at a glowing rectangle, you're likely to find me; between the pages of a book, working on a cryptic crossword, or at the local pub quiz. When I'm somewhere hot I like to Scuba dive. When I'm somewhere cold I like to snowboard.